First Vodcast Ever – Training Zones in PE

This is my first attempt at creating a vodcast/screencast for my students.  Please let me know what you think.  It is designed to be used with my year 11 Physical Education students who are working towards a 6km race at the end of their running module (A.S. 1.9)

It was created with the Snagit program, which was a little tricky at first but I think I now have the hang of it!!  This video is designed to be viewed at home (to achieve the flipped classroom model).  I have put it up on youtube as an unlisted video.  This means that only people that I give the url to can view the video.  I have also pasted it on my classes private facebook page and that also works.

If you have any suggestions or tips for creating vodcasts/screencasts please let me know and any feedback on the video would be appreciated via this blog.  Also if you can tell me how to embed the video in my blog rather than just the url that would be fantastic!

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